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Sophie, 2009

Sophie, born 2009

After having a healthy pregnancy and delivery to a perfect little girl, nurses were alerted to a problem when checking Sophie's vitals. Her oxygen count was extremely low and after several tests our pediatrician explained that there was a problem with her heart. She was transferred to Connecticut Children's MC in Hartford where she was diagnosed with CHD. My worst fears were confirmed when we were told that Sophie would have to undergo open heart surgery.


It was the most traumatic time in our lives, especially being our first child, and still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. The doctors, nurses and staff were amazing and gave us the support we needed during this time. With a 99% survival rate, we were hopeful that the surgery would be a success. Sophie spent 6 hours in surgery and we spent a total of 2 weeks in the hospital. She was on a ventilator for 3 days, had a chest drain and was on several different drugs. It was extremely difficult especially when not being able to hold your child. As the days went on she became stronger and stronger and it happened so quickly just as the doctors had said. She made a great recovery and we were home a week after the surgery.


Sophie's heart has been fixed permanently and she only has to go for yearly check ups. Sophie is full of life and such a special little girl. We are thankful to all who saved her life. She just turned 3 on the same day as the Little Hearts 16th annual picnic. I remember being in the NICU when one of the doctors told us about this organization. It is so wonderful to meet others who have been through similar experiences and be able to share stories.


Story by Sophie’s mom, Michelle – Connecticut

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