Aidyn Ann, born 2007
On July 18, 2007, Aidyn Ann came into the world. Born at 39 weeks, she came out with a pink, wiggly body and a strong cry. The neonatology staff was fully prepared and ready for our little girl. After we held her briefly and said hello, we gave her to the Neonatology Fellows and let them give her their best attention and care. Her diagnosis was confirmed: Double Outlet Right Ventricle, Transposition of the Great Arteries, Ventricular Septal Defect and Pulmonary Atresia. We knew that the road ahead was long, but we knew that we had the best possible care in the world.
Aidyn surprised everyone at how well she did leading up to her first surgery. She started taking the bottle right away and grew stronger even in the first few days. On her 5th day of life, Aidyn had her first open heart surgery. Dr. Mitchell placed a central shunt to provide blood flow to the pulmonary artery and to buy us time to let Aidyn grow big and strong. Recovery went well and Balloon Catheterization procedure provided the key to get blood - oxygen saturation numbers(low 90s/high 80s) and our ticket home.
Aidyn grew at an amazing rate for a heart baby, astounding everyone with her strength. She was remarkably healthy throughout her first year of life. In May of 2008 a viral infection caused her blood-oxygen saturations to plummet. A return trip to Children's and another Heart Cath. showed that there was no major blockage and that the time had simply come for Aidyn's repair.
In July of 2008, just before her first birthday, Aidyn underwent her heart repair under the amazing hands of Dr. Mitchell. She received a full repair, a repair that we had hoped and wished for. It was an incredibly long day, with Aidyn in surgery from 7:30am to well after 9:00 that night. Many of the doctors did not believe that Aidyn cold get a full repaid but Dr. Mitchell persevered and today our little girls' heart has four complete chambers!
Aidyn's over-all health has its ups and downs as any child's does. Today she is a growing, thriving little girl who is meeting and exceeding all milestones with ease. At our last appointment in summer of 2011 we learned that things are looking fabulous and that we may be able to "skip" a valve replacement surgery...that she may be able to make it to age 8 or longer instead of having surgery between ages 4 and 5! We added a new set of letters to her diagnosis...PPS. Peripheral Pulmonary Stenosis has been an issue now for a year or so but all tests show that it is holding steady and not in need of immediate interventions.
Story by Aidyn's mom, Jen - WISCONSIN