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Aubrey, 2004

Aubrey, born 2004

Princess Aubrey was born on January 16, 2004 with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  We found out when I was five months pregnant at a routine sonogram that something wasn't right.  Specialists at West Penn and Allegheny Hospitals in Pittsburgh confirmed HLHS when we got home and knew ahead of time what kind of help would be offered to our Princess.  When we went to Allegheny Hospital, the Pediatric Cardiologists started to give us our options but we already knew that there was only one answer. The life inside of me that had a strong heartbeat and radiated will and stength and kicked with gusto would be strong enough to make it through her surgeries.  We knew she could do it.


At three days old, she had her Norwood, during the process of putting her on the heart/lung bypass for the second time during that surgery due a large leak in her aorta, Aubrey had an embolic stroke.  The stroke led to seizures and she has had Chylous Effusions with each open heart surgery. Aubrey completed her third surgery on August 11, 2006. 


Today, she is a bouncing, thriving little girl.  Despite the front left side of her brain being non-functioning, she shows no lasting affects from the stroke or seizures.  She is a miracle and the strongest woman that I will ever know!


Story by Aubrey's mom, Angelina - Pennsylvania

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