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Brayden, 2010

Brayden, born 2010

During my ultrasound at 20 weeks was when we were told something was wrong and had to go see a specialist at The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. Learning our baby boy had HLHS was the scariest thing I ever experienced and just having the choice to choose whether to have surgery or not which means he would not survive was unexplainable.


Brayden was born on July 22nd, 2010 and underwent his first surgery at 7 days old, the 2nd at 7 months and 3rd at 3. He will never have a normal blood flow through his heart, but these surgeries give him the best chance at life.


He may need a transplant down the road, but he is doing great right now. He's had more challenges then most people do their entire life and through it all he has been so brave and happy. Brayden and all heart babies truly make you realize how precious life is. He is 4 and 1/2 currently (Jan 2015) and I am grateful and blessed to have such an amazing sweet boy I get to share my life with every day.


Story by Brayden’s mom, Alisha - Wisconsin

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