Brenden, born 2004
Brenden was born 6 weeks early due to me having preeclampsia. He was born with Respiratory Distress Syndrome and spent 10 days in the NICU. While in the NICU, they found a problem with his heart. He was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis. We were referred to a pediatric cardiologist.
At first it was mild, and we were scheduled to come back in 9 months. On our first visit back to the cardiologist, they realized that it was progressing faster than expected, but still could watch it. Nine months later Brenden had his first balloon valvuplasty. He did well for about 3 years. We continued on 6 months checks. At the age of 4 1/2 he had another balloon valvuplasty. This surgery lasted until he was 6.
Shortly after turning 6, he went in for a checkup and he had regurgitation and his stenosis was quite severe again. Brenden was scheduled for open heart surgery. Dr. Baird did a procedure to repair Brenden's Aortic Valve. He used pericardium from the outside of Brenden's heart and created a new Aortic Valve. Now we at almost a year post op, and he is doing well.
Surgeries are not over for him, he will need repairs, and the valve replaced in his future. Brenden is a boy with a "Special Heart". We are very thankful to all the excellent doctors he has had throughout his childhood. Brenden looks like a normal little boy, very athletic and a very happy child. Never once has he complained about all the testing and procedures that he has had to go through. He amazes me every day.
Story by Brenden’s mom, Amanda - TEXAS