Bridget, born 2000
We found out when I was 30 weeks pregnant that our baby girl, Bridget Therese, had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. I was devastated and thought only the worst since I lost a sister many years earlier with a heart defect. My due date was January 2, 2000. We didn't want the excitement of a millennium baby so we decided to be induced a few days earlier in Boston so she could be immediately transported across the street to Boston Children's Hospital for surgery. Our long awaited beautiful baby girl arrived on December 30, 1999.
She had the face on an angel and I knew in my heart she would be a survivor. After all, she had two saints watching over her. She arrived in good shape and successfully pulled through her first surgery and was home in 28 days. We took her home at the end of January and her big brother, Brendan, was simply crazy over her.
Bridget returned six months later for the Glenn and was home in six days. On June 25th, she was baptized at St. Theresa's Shrine and the day could not have been more beautiful.
At the age of 2 1/2, she was scheduled for the Fontan. Life had pretty much been going well and I was dreading putting her through another surgery. On March 11, 2002, she had the Fontan and came out of surgery and bypass with no problems. But, when she was transferred to ICU, one of her main lines to her heart got dislodged and came out. This was a big scare and we were not able to see her until 7:00 that evening. After this terrifying experience, I was so afraid we were going to lose her. She also experienced lots of fluid buildup in her chest cavity and for some reason, the fluid would not drain.
Before Bridget's surgery, I had purchased a book in gearing up for her hospital stay called "The Worrier's Guide to the Patron Saints". Well, two days after her surgery, I decided to do a five day novena to St. Theresa to pray that the fluid would drain off her chest so that her last two chest tubes would be removed.
I faithfully prayed the novena and decided to return to my home the night of March 16th to rest up in my own bed. I had lots of nervous energy and was up until 1:00 in the morning sorting through the mail and organizing the kitchen when I smelled the most wonderful aroma of roses. I walked around the house to see where it was coming from and as soon as it entered my senses, it was gone.
I also prayed to my brother who passed away March 17th years earlier to surround me with his love. I believe he helped in lifting up my prayers.
I called my husband the next morning (the 17th) at the hospital to see how Bridget's night was and he told me the nurses had just come by to remove her last chest tube. Wow! My real life miracle and prayer was first hand delivered. God is so good!
Story by Bridget's mom, Cindy - New Jersey