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David, 2006

David, born 2006

David, was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. He has a twin brother, Darin, who was born with a VSD, but miraculously it closed up soon after he was born.


I first found out that something was wrong with David when I was 3 months pregnant through an ultrasound. It wasn't until I was 6 months pregnant and after many ultrasounds that we finally found out that he had HLHS.  I went on bed rest in my 6th month, because of premature labor. I went into labor again at 34 weeks and they couldn't stop it through meds. An emergency c-section was done in Jacksonville, FL at Baptist Hopstial. David weighed 4lbs 2 oz.  and Darin was 4lbs 6oz.


Both were whisked away to the NICU. Darin was there for 3 weeks, David for one week.  We were told he was just too tiny to operate on, so he had to be airlifted to the NICU at MUSC in Charleston, SC. He wasn't doing very well at all and at 2 weeks old, he had his first open heart surgery (Norwood) by Dr. Bradley at MUSC.  He was around 2-3lbs. He stayed in the hospital for 4 months and had such a rough time. Several times, they didn't think he would make it, but he pulled through. We had lots of people praying for him and supporting us during this time.


When he finally came home, he had a g-tube in his stomach, because he had trouble drinking from a bottle. He cried all the time at first. He's had numerous heart caths and had his second heart surgery in January 2006. He still had lots of trouble gaining weight and his only food was portagen. Sometime in the fall of 2006, his Cardiologist finally told me he needed a heart transplant to survive. We went through all the paper work and getting ready for it.  During this time, my church (Victory Baptist in SC) had a special prayer meeting for David. Shortly after, the Cardiologist said David needed a heart cath immediately. Since that heart cath and prayer, David miraculously did not need a heart transplant and his health greatly improved! He has been improving every day since the fall of 2006.


He has a heart cath coming up in January of 2009 and also his 3rd open heart surgery should be sometime this year. He still has trouble gaining weight (his identical twin is much bigger than him), but even though it's been rough, he's a very happy child and always smiling! Every time I look at him, I am reminded to cherish every moment of life and I remember how great my Lord is! We are truly blessed to have David in our family!


Story by Danielle, mom to David - Massachusetts

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