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Devon, born 2004

At my 20 week ultrasound everything looked good. When I was around 30 weeks, my doctor wanted me to get another ultrasound done because my tummy was measuring 2 cm bigger. So, two weeks later, I had another ultrasound and was going to see my doctor right after that. When my doctor walked in the room, I knew something was wrong by the look on his face. He told me that the baby has Hydrops Fetalis and didn't know what caused it and said to go straight to the hospital for an emergency c-section. I was terrified. Once I got to the hospital, they found out that my baby had critical Aortic Stenosis and said if they don't deliver him within a week, he would die. I was in complete shock! They said the chances of my baby living were really low.


On December 17, 2008, my son Devon was born. They took him right away and performed an aortic balloon valvuloplasty. He stayed in the PICU for two and a half months and a month in the NICU. Devon has had a total of three aortic balloon valvuloplasties and two open heart surgeries and will have another in the future.


Today, he is doing well with a few bumps in the road. He is such a happy and playful little boy. He is a miracle and I thank god everyday and the doctors and nurses who took care of him.


Story by Devon's mom, Sara - NEBRASKA

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