Gabriel, born 2003
My son, Gabriel, was born November 3, 2003 with Down syndrome and HLHS and has a PA banding done at 3.5 months. The left side grew and was considered "unbalanced". So his diagnosis was changed to unbalanced AV canal defect (AVCD).
We were told he would need the Fontan and were concerned because he also had Downs Syndrome. All the doctors who examined Gabe agreed that he would not be a candidate for a bi-ventricle repair until we found Dr. Pedro del Nido of Boston Children's Hospital.
On June 12, 2007, Gabe's heart was fully repaired. My son has four great chambers and a perfect mitral valve. We're still here recovering, but working our way out. It's taking a little time for his body to get used to having four chambers but he will be fine and evenutally he will not need any medications. My only regret is not coming to Boston sooner!
Story by Gabriel's mother, Debbie - NEW YORK