Hayley, born 2003
Hayley is our miracle baby. She was born a month early weighing only 3 lbs. and 14 oz. When she was 5 days old she was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot. She was a tough little baby! When she was 2 weeks old she had open heart surgery to put a temporary shunt in. Her recovery was amazing!
Over the first year we watched our precious little girl grow. When Hayley was 11 months old she had her full repair at Columbia Presbyterian. She came through the surgery fine and we went home 10 days later. We were able to celebrate her first birthday knowing her heart was corrected. We actually had her first birthday party on the anniversary of her first surgery.
Hayley is now 10 years old and a tween! She loves to ski, skateboard, climb trees and sing. Everyday she amazes us. She is a fantastic older sister to her brother Daniel, and sister Taylor.
Story by Hayley’s mom, Meredyth – New York