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Joseph, 2005

Joseph, born 2005

The name Joseph means "God shall add a son" and as we already had a beautiful little boy, the name was perfect for our miracle baby. I say miracle because the beginning of any life is a true miracle and blessing. We found out that our miracle baby had Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum during a routine ultrasound at 20 weeks gestation. We were told that our child would need three open heart surgeries to survive. From that day on, the sound of my unborn child's heart beat made be realize that this baby marched to a stronger rhythm of life.


Joseph was born on January 13th weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and letting everyone in the room know that he was not happy. He was beautiful, blue, but beautiful. The team immediately took him to Boston Children's Hospital and he remained there for almost six weeks. The day after his birth he had his first catheterization to open up his pulmonary artery and provide a much needed blood supply to his right ventricle. Joseph struggled with two collapsed lungs and weaning from the respirators which delayed his first open heart surgery to 10 days old. Joseph flew threw the surgery and made a miraculous recovery. The sight of him opening his eyes for the first time was the greatest gift and one of the brightest days of my life. After his surgery, Joseph continued to struggle with his respiratory issues, but had no cardiac complications. Two days after Valentine's Day, we were able to bring home our little love bug. That was a great day in our life and everyday since has only gotten better.


Joseph has showed us all how he marches to a stronger rhythm. He was scheduled for three open heart surgeries and so far he has only had the one and there isn't a second one in sight. Joseph just keeps marching to his own beat and only he will know when he needs more help.


Joseph has a smile that lights up a room and demands your attention. His laugh is contagious and giggles from the bottom of his toes. He is blessed to have a big brother that truly loves him and always wants to be with him. But the true blessing came the day God sent this little soul to my family and taught us all how to march to a different beat in life.


Story by Joseph's mother, Terry - Massachusetts

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