Kyle, born 2007
When I went into labor and rushed to the hospital six weeks early, we had no idea that one of our twin boys would be born with a complex congenital heart defect. No one saw it coming as our frequent ultrasounds were all normal. We had never even heard of CHDs.
Kyle was born first. He wasn't breathing and they immediately rushed him off and began CPR. As frightened as we where, we had no idea that this was the start of our journey with congenital heart defects. Kyle was transported in critical condition to another hospital with a level 3 NICU. There they fought to keep him alive for the next four weeks.
He came home and joined his twin brother Tanner who completely healthy despite having been born early. Within a few days, Kyle’s cyanosis intensified and he began to have episodes where he would pass out. He was admitted to PICU where they scheduled emergency surgery to place a BT shunt. He became very ill with a blood infection and coded several times. It appeared the surgery didn't work and we might just loose our tiny boy. We prayed for a miracle. Kyle remained in a coma for six weeks. Then things began to turn around and our prayers were answered. With the help of blood thinners and antibiotics, Kyle was sent home to recover. My husband and I gave shots and infused meds into his PICC line and he did great.
Kyle had a successful TOF repair in March of 2008 and a pulmonary artery and valve replacement surgery in 2010. Today, Kyle is a very happy, full of life child that loves everything and everyone. I've never seen a happier kid. I know he doesn't remember his fight for life, but some how I know he's grateful. He greets each day with a smile and loves to run and play. He loves school and you can't look at him and not love him! He touches everyone he meets. Our kids are extra special they are all miracles!
Story by Kyle’s mother, Brittany – Illinois