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Levi, born 2015

My little Hero was born at 30 weeks gestation weighing 2 pounds.  We were rushed six hours away from home to a bigger hospital where he was found to have Tracheoesophageal Atresia and Tetrology of Fallot.   He spent three months in the NICU enduring three surgeries. We got to go home for three months to grow and when he turned six months on October 14th, we made that six hour drive to have his first open heart surgery.  A week post op surgery we were told his pulmonary valve started to close back up (pulmonary stenosis) so he has to go back into surgery and have his valve cut and patched to stay open. It's been a long stressful journey but the support has helped my family through all of this.


Story by Levi's dad, Roy - Maine

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