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Maggie, 2005

Maggie, born 2005

It was during the 20 week ultrasound, that our lives changed forever.  We also heard those dreaded words, "There's something wrong with the baby's heart."  We were then sent to a pediatric cardiologist where we were told our baby had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  We too were given the three options - compassionate care, the 3-staged surgery or a heart transplant.


After some research and listening to our hearts we decided on the 3-staged surgery.  Our daughter, Maggie Ann, was born 7:30 pm on September 30, 2005. She was beautiful and looked so healthy weighing 7 lbs. 7ozs.  They let us hold her for a few minutes where I told her to fight. I told her to be strong and as long as she would fight, I would fight too.  She was then taken to the NICU and started to her meds to keep the ductus open as well as the heart monitor and pic lines placed.


The next night Maggie began having difficulty breathing and circulating oxygen.  She was intubated and the surgeon was called. We were then sent to Rochester, NY to the Children's Hospital.  Maggie was only three days old when she had her first surgery, the Norwood.


After a month we were sent home with this tiny peanut on a NG tube.  Over the next several months she would be in and out of the hospital with feeding issues.  A diaphragmatic hernia was discovered and she was sent back into surgery for the repair. This did not solve her feeding issues.  Finally, after many months of failure to thrive, a feeding tube was inserted. At nine months old, when she was finally big enough to handle the surgery, the Glenn procedure was performed.  After two weeks, she was sent home.


Maggie is now thriving and spunky.  She no longer has a feeding tube. She has some physical delays from all her setbacks.  But, she is blooming and making strides each and everyday.


She is the light of our lives along with her big sister, Abigail.  She loves life and takes pleasure in every single part of life. I am so proud of her for her strength, courage, and bravery.  I am proud to say I am her mother. She is my strength!


None of us know what the future holds.  We need to just life to the fullest everyday.  Maggie taught us to do just that!


Story by Maggie's mom, Judy - NEW YORK

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