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Paisley, 2016

Paisley, born 2016

We found out about 17 weeks gestation that Paisley was diagnosed with CCAVB (Congenital Complete Atrioventricular Block). Her brother also has CCAVB. She was delivered at 35 weeks 4 days. This second and last pregnancy with her was nothing like my first. I was sick and on bed rest in what would be the final month of being pregnant. Upon her diagnosis the doctors made the decision to put me on Dexamethasone for the remainder of this pregnancy. Upon her birth we were told she was not in second degree blockage, but Complete. The doctors informed my husband that 3rd can mimic second degree and the 2:1 ratio. Shattered our hopes she wasn't in second degree blockage... so we had to take one day at a time and fight with her eat and gain weight! She was five pounds at birth and SLOWLY gaining/maintaining her weight at each weekly check! She needed a pacemaker when she was nine months old and recovery for her was quick and not too painful! She's now two years old and thriving! Loving life and now completely able to keep up with big brother and her peers! We will have at least two more lead changes along with however many battery changes in her abdomen until placing transvenously.


Story by Lydia, mom to Paisley – California

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