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Tristan, 2007

Tristan, born 2007

On April 14th, 2007 Tristan was born to Angel and Kerry. On the night of the delivery we sent baby Tristan to the nursery to get some rest. Little did we know that would be the discovery and devastating night of all nights. We were awakened by a doctor and nurse to tell us Tristan had to go to the NICU because his oxygen was low and his mouth looked a little blue. We waited for test results which revealed that Tristan had Tetralogy of Fallot and Pulmonary Atresia. They did not think he had long to live at first but transferred him to UAB in Alabama.


He stayed in the NICU for five days and this is where the second blessing of life began. Tristan overcame all odds and his PDA was still open. They suspected that he had a bunch of collateral arteries making up for the two major arteries. He was monitored in the NICU and later sent home with no monitors nor oxygen at a few days old. His sats stay between 70-80% fluctuating. He is our miracle.


At two and a half months, Tristan had his heart catheterization which was a success. On August 28th, 2007 his heart surgery was successful. On July 9, 2008 he had his TOF repair and is doing great. He is growing, playing, talking, etc., everything in his developmental stage he is suppose to be doing. We are very happy with his recovery and will to keep up with everyone. 


UPDATE:  OCT 2017 Ten years old and doing well.  I am grateful for the love and support Little Hearts shared during our trying times.  Our prayers go out to the other families.



Story by Tristan's mom, Angel - Alabama

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